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Code Example for EOA Deposit

Below are example implementations for setting up and executing deposits into the V2 EOA Deposit address.

Deposits using the EOA method must include calldata defining the output chains. Use the example code for an up-to-date spec of how to format the calldata.

For a list of all supported chains for EOA deposits, please refer to the EOA Deposit Supported Chains section.

import { parseEther, http, createWalletClient, publicActions, toHex } from 'viem'
import { privateKeyToAccount } from 'viem/accounts'
import bech32Converting from 'bech32-converting'
import { PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js'
import { optimism } from 'viem/chains'
import basex from 'base-x'
import bs58 from 'bs58'
const EOA_DEPOSIT_ADDRESS = '0x391E7C679d29bD940d63be94AD22A25d25b5A604'
// Create a wallet from a private key
const account = privateKeyToAccount('0x...')
// Connect the wallet to a provider
const client = createWalletClient({
  chain: optimism, // Target Chain
  transport: http(),
// Replace with the destination address. Supported formats:
// - EVM: 0x... (42 chars)
// - Solana: Base58 string (32-44 chars, validates on curve)
// - MOVE/FUEL: 0x... (66 chars)
// - Or leave as account.address to send to self
const toAddress = account.address
// Each chain will receive an equal portion of the value sent
const amount: bigint = parseEther('0.0006')
// This example is targeting zkSync (51), Polygon zkEVM (52)
const gasZipShortChainIDs = [51, 52]
// Helper functions for address type checking
function isEVMAddress(address: string): boolean {
  return address.length === 42
function isMOVEAddress(address: string): boolean {
  return address.length === 66
function isBase58Address(address: string): boolean {
  return new RegExp(/[1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]{32,44}/).test(address)
function isXRPAddress(address: string): boolean {
  return new RegExp(/r[0-9a-zA-Z]{24,34}/).test(address)
function isInitiaAddress(address: string): boolean {
  return /^init[a-zA-Z0-9]{39}$/.test(address)
// Helper functions for address encoding
function encodeEVMAddress(address: string): string {
  return '02' + address.slice(2)
function encodeSolanaAddress(address: string): string {
  const decoded = bs58.decode(address)
  return '03' + Buffer.from(decoded).toString('hex')
function encodeBase58EVMAddress(hexaddr: string): string {
  return '02' + hexaddr.slice(2).slice(0, hexaddr.length - 10)
function encodeOtherBase58Address(hexaddr: string): string {
  return '03' + hexaddr.slice(0, hexaddr.length - 8)
function encodeMOVEAddress(address: string): string {
  return '04' + address.slice(2)
export function encodeXRPAddress(address: string): string {
  const xrpb58 = basex('rpshnaf39wBUDNEGHJKLM4PQRST7VWXYZ2bcdeCg65jkm8oFqi1tuvAxyz')
  const decoded = xrpb58.decode(address)
  return `05${Buffer.from(decoded).toString('hex')}`
export function encodeInitiaAddress(bech32Address: string): string {
  const hexAddress = bech32Converting('init').toHex(bech32Address)
  return `06${hexAddress.slice(2)}`
function encodeChainIds(shorts: number[]): string {
  return shorts.reduce((acc, short) => acc + toHex(short).slice(2).padStart(4, '0'), '')
const encodeTransactionInput = (to: string, shorts: number[]) => {
  let data = '0x'
  // Return early if sending to self
  if (to.toLowerCase() === account.address?.toLowerCase()) return data + '01' + encodeChainIds(shorts)
  // Handle different address types
  if (isEVMAddress(to)) data += encodeEVMAddress(to)
  else if (isMOVEAddress(to)) data += encodeMOVEAddress(to)
  else if (isXRPAddress(to)) data += encodeXRPAddress(to)
  else if (isInitiaAddress(to)) {
    data += encodeInitiaAddress(to)
  } else if (isBase58Address(to)) {
    const decoded = bs58.decode(to)
    if (decoded.length === 32 && PublicKey.isOnCurve(to)) {
      data += encodeSolanaAddress(to)
    } else {
      const hexaddr = Buffer.from(decoded).toString('hex')
      data += hexaddr.length === 50 ? encodeBase58EVMAddress(hexaddr) : encodeOtherBase58Address(hexaddr)
  } else {
    return null // Invalid address format
  return data + encodeChainIds(shorts)
;(async () => {
  const txData = encodeTransactionInput(toAddress, gasZipShortChainIDs)
  if (!txData || !txData.startsWith('0x')) {
    throw new Error('Invalid transaction data')
  const hash = await client.sendTransaction({
    value: amount,
    data: txData as `0x${string}`,
  console.log('Transaction hash:', hash)