Code Example for Solana Deposit
Below are example implementations for setting up and executing deposits into the Solana deposit program.
Deposits using the Solana method must include instruction data defining the output chains and destination address. Use the example code for an up-to-date spec of how to format the instruction data.
import { TransactionInstruction, PublicKey, Transaction, Connection } from '@solana/web3.js'
import { serialize, field, vec, fixedArray } from '@dao-xyz/borsh'
import bs58 from 'bs58'
// Constants
const PROGRAM_ID = new PublicKey('FzuVV5WeLyWHDuX6SPbeLgqkvePDTzMCRKYAhDbiP3z3')
const SYSTEM_PROGRAM_ID = new PublicKey('11111111111111111111111111111111')
const GAS_RECIPIENT = new PublicKey('gasZT2bpe7mxu5wMgQbvry84vok5CuF2huCEokyC3qh')
const PROGRAM_DISCRIMINATOR = [242, 35, 198, 137, 82, 225, 242, 182]
class DepositArgs {
@field({ type: 'u64' })
value: bigint
@field({ type: vec('u16') })
chains: number[]
@field({ type: fixedArray('u8', 32) })
to: number[]
constructor(value: bigint, chains: number[], to: number[]) {
this.value = value
this.chains = chains = to
interface CreateDepositTransactionParams {
connection: Connection
payer: PublicKey
value: bigint
destinationChains: number[]
destinationAddress: string
function addressToBytes(address: string): number[] {
// Handle Solana addresses
if (new RegExp(/^[1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]{32,44}/).test(address)) {
const decoded = bs58.decode(address)
const hexaddr = Buffer.from(decoded).toString('hex')
// If the address is already 32 bytes (64 hex chars), convert directly
if (hexaddr.length === 64) return addressToBytes(`0x${hexaddr}`)
// Otherwise, handle as a program derived address
const rawAddr = Buffer.from(bs58.decode(address).subarray(1)).toString('hex')
return addressToBytes(`0x${rawAddr.substring(0, rawAddr.length - 8)}`)
// Handle EVM addresses
const arr: number[] = []
let cleanAddress = address.slice(2).padStart(64, '0')
while (cleanAddress !== '') {
arr.push(Number(`0x${cleanAddress.slice(0, 2)}`) & 0xff)
cleanAddress = cleanAddress.slice(2)
return arr
export async function createDepositTransaction({
}: CreateDepositTransactionParams): Promise<Transaction> {
const args = new DepositArgs(value, destinationChains, addressToBytes(destinationAddress))
const serializedArgs = serialize(args)
const instruction = new TransactionInstruction({
keys: [
{ isSigner: true, isWritable: true, pubkey: payer },
{ isSigner: false, isWritable: false, pubkey: SYSTEM_PROGRAM_ID },
{ isSigner: false, isWritable: true, pubkey: GAS_RECIPIENT },
programId: PROGRAM_ID,
data: Buffer.from(PROGRAM_DISCRIMINATOR.concat(Array.from(serializedArgs))),
const transaction = new Transaction()
const latestBlockhash = await connection.getLatestBlockhash()
transaction.feePayer = payer
transaction.recentBlockhash = latestBlockhash.blockhash
return transaction
export interface SendDepositTransactionParams extends CreateDepositTransactionParams {
signTransaction: (transaction: Transaction) => Promise<Transaction>
export async function sendDepositTransaction(params: SendDepositTransactionParams): Promise<string> {
const { signTransaction, connection, ...createParams } = params
const transaction = await createDepositTransaction({ connection, ...createParams })
const signedTransaction = await signTransaction(transaction)
const signature = await connection.sendRawTransaction(signedTransaction.serialize())
await connection.confirmTransaction(signature)
return signature